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Album Review: Gorillaz - Cracker Island

After decades creating a grand musical opus, Gorillaz solidified their eclectic and distinct sound throughout their work. On their eighth studio album and latest release the genre combining Cracker Island their electronic beats, harmonious tracks, and cool synth anthems display Gorillaz signature tone that utilizes their musical formula in an extravagant nature. Guest features are to be expected and Cracker Island whips out the accompanying tools in their belt, featuring guest artists like Stevie Nicks, Beck, Bad Bunny, Tame Impala, De La Soul, and Del the Funky Homosapien. The Gorillaz magic lies in their production, talent, and ability to explore beyond the box with every album.

Fascinating concepts of the complicated retrospective of cyberspace found on “The Tired Influencer” play out as a groovy and genuine anecdote. The inclusion of xylophones and subtle synths express the glowing architecture within a presumably static repertoire. “Silent Running” featuring Adeleye Omotayo, driven by funky guitars and percussion instruments and the contrasting soothing voice of Omotayo. "Silent Running" has a funky, fresh, and feel good element, and the melodic and catchy chorus sits beautifully in the song.

The undeniable talent Tame Impala and Bootie Brown is showcased as the two contributing to “New Gold”, offering a killer performance by both. Each contrasting and playing off eachother with the role of alternating through the verses and choruses, and keeps the same elements of instrumentation, synths, transcending melodies, and groovy electronic drum loops throughout. The danceability is evident, and "New Gold" is an exhilarating piece of work. “Baby Queen” is a lovely and angelic inclusion that recounts a tale of admiration, the heartfelt synths catapult the listener through a spiral of endearing emotions.

Standing solo on Tarantula, Gorillaz showcase Singer, Damon Albarns healthy and honest voice alongside a catchy melody and their abilities in an album that is jam packed with features. Similar to "Désolé", on Song Machine, Season One: Stange Timez featuring Fatomata Diawara, and also on Cracker Islands “Controllah” feautruing Mc Bin Ladin, the track "Tormenta" includes reggaetón sensation Bad Bunny. The diverse nature of Gorrilaz inclusions, is the helpful backbone that has kept their wide-ranging musical exploration endless. "Skinny Ape", a thrilling, up beat, and hard core electronic, track is definitely the lose yourself moment on the album. The beginning half is a delicate, empowering, and electric exploration of personal independence, thus turning into a rambunctious track full with an edgy attitude.

"Possessions" featuring Beck is the cool down ballad moment, with the grand horns that are carefully and beautifully placed and yet, do not offset the rest of the compositions. The ability to create sensational characters is a truly the Gorrilaz forte and a classic illustration is on “Captain Chicken” featuring Del the Homo Sapien. Gorillaz have a unique take on life and turn simple aspects into epic tales. The Gorillaz experience and artistry allow them to keep creating unique songs and is captured well on Cracker Island.

Roses Given: 4/5



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Photos Via: Apple Music


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