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Pages - White Reaper

Unafraid of showing their vulnerable side, Kentucky rockers White Reaper stamp their thoughts of regret and weave them into a two and half minute rant of the worrying that ensues right along side the cold hard truths and realizations that come with the disbanding of a relationship. Starting off as a few simple guitar chords and the penetrating sharp vocals of front man Tony Esposito, the tone is one of assertion and leads into a spiral of undeniable relief as the simple yet melodic chorus slams into the forefront and a booming bass backed by a lead guitar punching through the crunchy glass celling. The verses are a stark contrast to the hooks and are mellowed enough yet still incorporate the angsty energy of the overall tune. The riveting lead guitar is just enough to send the last thirty seconds into a bold finish while shouting ...

I tore out all the pages

I tore them all out

Esposito sharpens the blades and gets the main point across in a harsh and cohesive way in the repetitive conclusion of Pages as White Reaper leaves no room for questioning of the vision at hand.

Roses Given: 3/5


Image Via Spotify.


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